
sexta-feira, março 28, 2008


Crianças muçulmanas a brincar
Deixam cair a caixa, fazem barulho
Salto para trás de um caixote

autoria: Raphael Barbarossa, em Mr X vs Mr Moustache
Lots in Translation - Episódio 5

Rita Redshoes - Hey Tom

Hey Taume, do you know,
Foh how laung affen bunnyn too

Its tam to go holme,
To rise the sun, to bring the tr'uth

You wont to make me cry,
You wont to watch me die,
But you daunt have the stre-engh-t.

So come and raun wid me,
I wanna SAT you free,
I need you too pastrome

Somebody ask you name,
It could be Jack or Jane.
If you don't have the clue,
I'll tell you whot to do.

Hey Taume, do you know,
Foh how laung amma lovin you.

It's tam to move aun, to leave my hort,
The somethin new.

I wont to make you smile,
I wont to close you eyes,
but I don have the stre-engh-t.

So comma run wid me,
I wanna SAT you free, I need you too


Somebody ask you name,
It could be Jack or Jane.
If you don't have the clue,
I'll tell you whot to do.

segunda-feira, março 17, 2008

Rui Santos:
"Faz falta mais sarro ao cargo de Director Desportivo, no futebol português"

Ou seja, uma nova forma de dizer, implicitamente, que o futebol português é uma merda.

Quantos anormais já vieram cá?